Kaitlin Thomas
If you'd like to contact Kaitlin about potential work or to ask a question, you can email her at hellokaitlinthomas@gmail.com or reach out through any of her social media accounts listed below.

Feature: How Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Embraced the Crazy and Became Must-See TV

How Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Embraced the Crazy and Became Must-See TV

By leaning into the title and premise and surrounding Rebecca with a colorful but fantastic group of supporting characters, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend blossomed from an off-kilter but clever pilot into a dark comedy with frequent bouts of emotionality as it took on one woman’s search for personal happiness. Was Rebecca delusional? Yes. Should she spend more hours with her therapist? Probably. Is it entertaining? Absolutely.

Date published: March 5, 2016
Read more: Full article on TV.com


Features, The CW, TV.com
