Kaitlin Thomas
If you'd like to contact Kaitlin about potential work or to ask a question, you can email her at hellokaitlinthomas@gmail.com or reach out through any of her social media accounts listed below.

Review: iZombie, Season 2 Finale

iZombie Season 2 Finale Review: The New Zombie World Order

iZombie‘s exhilarating two-hour Season 2 finale was packed with emotion and action, it was bold and successful in its attempt to craft a true zombie outbreak to remind us of what’s truly at stake, and it had plenty of comedy that mixed completely with the action and drama as it unfolded to reiterate where the show’s true strengths lie. Like it has so many times previously, iZombie exceeded expectations.

Date published: April 13, 2016
Read more: Full review at TV.com


Reviews, The CW, TV.com
